The Lost Islands

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She could remember coming here, splashing in the waters with Bryce, watching him push and pull the water, she had always taken delight in watching the powers of others, a wonderous sight indeed. Yejide longed to see other’s use their powers, to see what else Liridon was made up of, but perhaps that caused her to be too trusting in some sense or another. She couldn’t help it though, why shouldn’t she be glad and take pleasure in what other’s learned and offered to show her? She couldn’t help this fascination, as a star was wasn’t nearly as fascinating, her powers would only unlock when she was in danger and last time they had sent her back to the heavens with her sisters. Yejide didn’t want to return there again, she wasn’t ready for that.

Arching her neck and lowering her whiskered lips a foot above the sand my star girl moved out and forward, her steps sprang in a light and bouncing motion, her gait long and tail flared slightly. Yejide shone brightly, enjoying the sinking of the sand, the smell of the shore and salty waters, she liked when it was dark out, the only time she could come out. Yejide was nocturnal by nature, she was a star, she came out at night and day made her weary. Nostrils flared she brought her head up just as her first leg crashed through the shallows. Droplets sprayed into the air, the glow of Yejide’s body making them looking like small crystals.

As a star you look more like a human then anything, but you stay yourself. Yejide stayed herself, watching, using her slim fingers to play with stardust and open small windows to watch her family, but the past year and a half she had been within council, trying to get back to Earth and Liridron, especially since they had to save her and drag her out. No, she hadn’t felt shame, just sadness. Yejide would have rather died on Earth then leave Bryce and Galaxy. But she was here again, and this time she would make a better difference. She knew now she couldn’t cross Liridron’s borders, and that she needed contact again. She wanted to find her family, her parents, Scarecrow, Goblin, Lillith, Chill, she wanted to find them all but she didn’t know where Asterisk, Fyfe, Gimmick, or Persephone was. She was sure she’d find them soon, as well as her nieces and nephews. She had a big family, and she was keeping her ears open. She hadn’t heard too much on her family but she heard more about the kingdoms.

Yejide knew she would never return to the Kushtims, it wasn’t home without Bryce. But she had heard of Elian, no war there sounded good to Yejide. She had seen war, destruction man and beast caused. It made her heart ache hearing children and women cry, the screams of men falling and losing their loved ones. War was tragic, it destroyed, and it was horrible. Which is why she wanted somewhere peaceful. Halting, knee deep and glowing still she pricked her ears forward and let a contented smile cross over her whiskered lips. Hope was something she would always have, it’s what keeps her going.

"Talking looks like this."

i feel my soul on fire-- marius of nowhere.

[character, html, and all content © rya]


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