mountain lion sighting IP: Posted on October 17, 2016 at 04:28:10 AM by Gerald
I've deer hunted my entire life and know the woods in my area of Worcester County Massachusetts very well. I have never believed one rumor of a mountain lion sighting in this area or anywhere close to here for that matter, however I became a believer on October 1, 2016 when I observed a mountain lion in Winchendon. It crossed the road in front of me near an old farm at around 11:05 PM and although the sighting was brief, there was no doubt in my mind as to what it was. My initial thought was that it was a very large bobcat until I saw the tail which was a dead giveaway. It was about 2 1/2 feet long sticking straight out, curved straight up at the end with a black tip. It was unmistakable and I have absolutely no doubt as to what it was. Never having seen a mountain lion in real life, I was however surprised at how small it was. I would estimate at at approximately 60-70 lbs but probably closer to 60 so I'm guessing it was a female. For what it's worth. Replies: