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Couple Racing Rumors

Please take it what it's worth cause it IS very early in the off season and have no offical word on these rumors whatsoever...just a couple things heard around town. One Oswego Speedway related....one not. I'm not really big on these kids of things this time of year cause usually, they don't pan out, but it gives a couple talking points to liven things up with winter time fast approaching.

First off, hearing mumblings about a new "supermodified" division in the making for the Oswego Speedway, more for the 2018 season, but with a local team prepping a car for the upcoming year. Hearing the division is like the Small Block Supermodifieds that currently race at Lee USA Speedway.

#2..also heard that there might be preliminary talks about making the annual Monster Truck show at the Carrier Dome, a double header weekend? Seeing they truck in all the dirt for the monster trucks, heard they're talking about keeping it down an extra week and having a dirt oval indoor race with some type of midgets along with Mod Lites.

Like I said...these are just rumors....and more importantly, gets everyone thinking about racing again instead of all the election stuff making peoples heads spin on social media


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