Re(1): Winter Birds at Carden Alvar Posted on December 11, 2016 at 08:05:35 PM by Bob Bowles
I was out to Carden Alvar again scouting out the conditions and bird species present for the Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count on Thursday, December 22nd this year. I made it half way down Wiley Road from Alvar Road but big, deep water-filled potholes which are now ice-covered made me turn back half way down almost to Windmill Ranch. I may have been able to make it through since my SUB is very good on rough roads but it would have been an expensive tow charge if I didn't make it. The ice will be frozen hard in the next week and it will be easier to get over these deep potholes at that time. However, I didn't observe many birds along Wiley Road, mostly Northern Ravens. Replies: