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To make a long story short

**i am posting this in multiple different places so sorry for any things that don't make sense**

To begin, i am so sorry for not keeping you all updated, this week has literally been hell on earth. Last Thursday, I injured myself (Torn hamstring and sprained lumbar) I was unable to move or do much of anything to care for myself. I was also incontinent, so... yeah. On Monday, I went to the hospital and I was there until Wednesday when my parents brought me to stay with them. I'm still in a lot of pain and recovering.

For those of you who don't know, I have been living with my girlfriend for the past 6 months or so. While I was in the hospital, her parents decided that I was no longer welcome, and I was evicted. Quinn, my girlfriend, was forced to quit school and move home as well. I had a complete and total mental breakdown. I was ready to give up and I wanted someone to just kill me in my sleep, to stop the physical pain, and to stop the emotional pain of having my entire life ripped away from me in a day.

I haven't seen Quinn since before I left for the hospital and I don't know when I'm going to be able to. After living with someone, even being apart for days is torture.

I don't know when I'll be back, active, whatever. I need to focus my attention on getting better, on getting my life back together. It's hard but today I did a lot of things myself that I couldn't do even yesterday. My health is improving, but I am absolutely at a loss as to what to do when i get better. Honestly i just want my life back. It wasn't perfect but it was getting there, and it was all taken away from me when i was in the hospital, powerless to stop it.

So I'm sorry for the absence but this is the reason why... I don't know when I'll be back. Maybe weeks, maybe months, who knows.

  • :( -

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