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Anyone (re: posts) >

Hey guys. So, I know I kind of vanished a couple of weeks ago without any explanation, so I just wanted to let ya'll know why and whats up with me.

One of my personality flaws is that I have a tendency to fixate on things. The fact that I curently don't have a fulfilling job to invest my over-attention to detail in results in my becoming obsessive with trivial things. Long story short, I was getting to a point where I was acutely aware of every little detail of anything transpiring with/to/about/around my characters here on LC, as well as things going on OOC. Even though I am not the quickest when it comes to replies, I was checking every board multiple times per day - from my laptop and phone. All in all it just got to a point where I realized I needed to take a step back, take a break, and focus my attentions elsewhere for a little bit.

So! I have taken that time - went up to Ely for the weekend (3rd-5th) to observe/photograph the wolves, talk with like-minded people, and just vibe out for a bit. Last week I spent my time reading, uploading stock to DA, binge-waching tv (I know not healthy but w/e), exercising, and again just vibing out. This past weekend I completely dismantled my bedroom and went through a lot of stuff to sell/donate/bin. I'll also be apply for assistance to get a Canadian visa so that I can get moving/traveling/doing something engaging with my life again. I still don't feel great about myself, but the redirection of my fixations has been very helpful.

TL;DR: I needed a break for some me time, and I took it. Now I'm back. xD

On to posts that I owe! Please let me know if we had discussed continuing/dropping/starting anything that's missing from this list. I will be slowly trying to work my way back into things, while also giving Canis the attention it deserves.

I Owe:
Alcmene to Avtandil @ Glorall
Drogon to Belhara @ Spirane
Iluq - Open @ ?
Maddox to Xavier @ Diveen
Mikken to Solstice @ Taviora
Moonfeather to Baird @ Spirane
Moonfeather to Haven's Birthing @ Spirane
Negan for Lucille and Apophis @ Glorall
Nike to Everlast @ Enocra
Nymeria to Vort & Zelda @ Taviora
Reaver to Flare @ Enocra
Reaver for Enya @ Glorall/Freeland?
Remington for Winchester @ Spirane
Rhaegal to Bastille @ Spirane
Rhaegal & Inara @ ? (waiting for starter)
Ripper to Enya @ Glorall
Ripper to 2yo Party @ Spirane
Ripper - Open @ Asteraia
Sleekwing to Baird @ Spirane
Sleekwing to Jackdaw @ Spirane
Tauriel - Open or Imprint Thread @ ?
Vesper to Gul @ Ruieze
Vesper to Aster @ Glorall
TYD to Erebos(?) @ Spirane

I'm Waiting On:
Nahal & Haziel to Alcmene @ Glorall
Malina to Daenerys @ Spirane
Samus to Daenerys & Abel @ Spirane (can be wrapped up?)
Orion to Maddox @ Diveen (can be wrapped up?)
Niviaq to Moonfeather @ Spirane
Los & Soma to Sleekwing @ Spirane
Grimoire to Raum @ Ruieze
Tychon throat crushing thread progression (Moonfeather's entrance) @ Spirane
Halcyon to Tauriel @ Ruieze (assuming this has been dropped since its pretty outdated but just want to double check)

  • <3 -

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