cougar sightings in Langdon,NH IP: Posted on February 17, 2017 at 10:47:30 PM by Peter Burke
Sunday January 29.2017 about 9:30 am I saw a yellowish tan colored cat at least 30 lbs. with a tail as long as it's body that curled up at the end and bounced along behind it. Thought at first it was a large housecat, but it was too big, then thought it might be a bobcat, so took great notice of the tail, not sure what it was but it was not a housecat or bobcat. Monday morning January 30,2017 about 10:30 am I saw another cat , bigger at least 40, maybe 50lbs, more lanky again with a tail as long as it's body again curled up at the end and bounced along on the ground behind it. this one was as big as medium size dog, wouldn't want to meet it in the woods. The snow was hard as concrete then , no tracks . Havent seen either since, no tracks in the new snow that has fallen. Replies: