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Return to Lunar Children

hi guys! i'm back!

So, I'm back!
Well, mostly!

Sorry again for being 100% MIA over my holiday. I was way more tired and way more busy than I expected! But that just means we had lots of fun!

However! I'm back now! I'm going to start posts ASAP, probably a little slowly at first (I came back straight into a lovely bout of being sick) but I'm excited! I know some things have happened while I was gone like Iromar's changeover etc and that some threads are old so....

You can click here! for a little list I made before I left of intended posts/threads etc. Some might say they're replied to when they aren't but...just ignore that! :P

Anyway!! If you see something missing, let me know! Also, if a thread is too old / no longer needed (like Elohim doing much in Iromar) let me know too and we can quickly mesh out something OOC/IC to fill that 'gap' or something XD

I have missed you all so much!! I am super excited to be back and able to write!

  • Did you... -
    Yay! -
    Beep Boop -
    :O -
    no rush or anything... -
    let.. -
    Woops, my bad! -

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