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An apology!

Hey guys!

I just wanted to apologize since I've been feeling guilty about it lately (especially since I've been really wanting to be more present but...just can't be at the moment.)

Essentially, I'm super sorry that I haven't been able to post as regularly as I first thought I'd be able to. I'm also sorry that I've been pretty much absent from chat for, like, ages. It's just that my last year of university is proving to be a real beast! I totally underestimated my workload and I've been paying for it.

However, I think things will begin to improve within the next few weeks. I'm finally starting to get into a groove and a workflow that seems to work and leave me with spare time to post. I'm not sure how much I can be in chat though since it's difficult to work and chat most of the time but I'll try to be around more to at least plot and check in with people!

So yeah, just apologizing. I really don't mean to be as absent and quiet, I'm just sorta'....floundering around under lots of work at the moment. It's all of planing and whatnot with teams of people (which is so tiring in itself as an introvert lol) but I imagine once things are actually established, I'll be left alone more to do my own things.

I have missed each and every one of you so much! I'm super excited for when I will have things more managed so I can stop being a little Sol Ghost XD

    be safe!!! -
    D8 -
    OMG! -

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