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Hello everybody!

This is an important message from Staff regarding a large rule change that we believe will be exciting and absolutely a lot of fun for everybody!

After much deliberation, we have decided to change things up here at LC in a big way. We hope you'll find these new rules engaging and lots of fun to play around with! And don't worry -- we've planned for the switchover as closely as possible so that all current characters can join in on the fun without worry.

i. Wolves are now permitted to be any colour! This includes neon shades, patterns (checkers, perfect shapes, emojis etc.).
ii. A magic system has now been added! Wolves will gain 1 magic point for every in-character post. With every 50 points, a wolf can gain a new power! Characters joined before this rule will automatically be given 25 points towards their first power!
iii. Wolves are now permitted one special mutation each such as horns, wings, hooves, fangs etc. These will eventually become 'genetic' in-game, thus allowing pups to be born with multiple special abilities and unique anatomy!

We may decide to add to these rules in due time or change things up depending on how things go. We hope you'll enjoy these changes however! As a sign of good will, we have decided to present each of the Alphas special abilities relating to their pack to kickstart the IC side of things.

Zelda has been given owl eyes! She will now be more adept at hunting in the dim light of the forest. This does not change her eye colour, just appearance and strength!

Halcyon has been given a set of hawk wings! He will be amazing at hunting in the plains now and will be able to fly several times a day! Aster has been given hooves (like a horse)! She will now be double as fast as any wolf in the plains!

Orion has also been given hooves, though more like a goat's. He will now be able to scale the ravines with more ease than any other wolf! Nevaeh has been given echolocation/extrasensory hearing so she will be able to navigate just by using the vibrations of the area and other lifeforms!

Eden has been given gills! He can now breathe underwater for several times a day! But he will need to rest as it will be quite tiring doing all that swimming!

Pine has been given extra long legs! This will boost her up and let her move along above the bogs kind of like a Maned Wolf or egret! Cenmatl has been given water proof fur! He will now produce an oil that will make water run straight off him, even rain!

Daenerys has been given camouflage, just like the alpine ptarmigan! She will be able to blend in seamlessly with the alpine environment with little more than a snap of her hypothetical fingers!

Enjoy, alphas!


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