Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


Even though I am shrouded in darkness...

A Promise Was Made

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Where did he belong? Where in this world was he supposed to call home? He had been part of a loner tribe only to follow his mother to Malignant Felicity, only for her to abandon him, which then led him to going home to his father but now... now Aindreas had abandoned him too. Drizzle had never been one for anger, but hurt and confusion filled him nearly to the brim for lack of understanding. The poor bruteling's mind could never know that the life he was living - while different in the minute details - was nearly exact to his father's. He was the sibling separated from the others, he was the one who was alway abandoned and destined to walk alone. He was the one who would never find love. Drizzt did not know or understand any of this, but what he did know was that he was lonely. After the hunt at Malignant Felicity, he had returned to Spring Grounds only to find silence. Pierce was away on a trip and Aindreas was as he had always been, and upon the King's return, Aindreas had come to him, telling him that he would be leaving to rule Aurora Borealis. Questions had danced to the tip of his tongue - 'why? How? Are you sure? What about me?' - But none had sprung to life into words and instead he had remained silent, biting his tongue and nodding mutely. He had stood in that same place from day until night until day again, and only then did he realize the exhaustion that was overtaking him, and the strange occurrence of pain in his eyes... no, perhaps it was behind them. But whichever it was, it hurt.

What had come next was a pitiful sight, one that had Drizzt crawling from Spring Grounds terra out into the world of the north, delirious, and only stopped when he found an abandoned den that some loner at one point had dug. He had slept there for a while until he had felt the urge to move on. The pain he felt during the day only increased as time went on, and he incessantly progressed to a full fledged recluse. Using his pain - both physical and emotional - as a crutch, he remained there, leaving only under the safety of night to hunt or relieve himself.... that is until yesterday, when he had ventured out during the bright pain of day. It had been to his misfortune that it had led to his injury, although it had also provided him with a meal. Still, he had collapsed under the strength of the sun and had been awoken by a stranger. Their conversation had given him a new view, and he had continued his journey south. This time, he had been rewarded, as it allowed him to hear Motionless calling in the night. His pace had quickened, albeit not by much due to his injury. With each step, his shoulder ached and the skin that tried to close together broke apart again, resulting in a constant sting of pain. It was all compounded with the stress of dragging the fawn 's half-eaten corpse, because there was no way that Drizzt would willingly give up the meal that had caused him so many problems...

The miles passed as the night darkened until finally he reached Malignant Felicity, st which point indecision reached his mind once again. He had lived here once, before he had belonged to Spring Grounds. But he had only joined Spring Grounds to be with his father. And now that his father was gone... where did he belong? And at what state was the alliance between Spring Grounds and Malignant Felicity? He had wanted to set up a truce between his two homes, but Motionless had never shown. She had given him no reason or word as to why she left, and had not sent any word since... and it hurt. But would it hurt worse to see her again or to not?

A single paw of his remained lifted, wavering over the line until his weight finally settled upon it. Drizzt leaned down to pick up his leftovers and carried on, entering the abysmal depths of the pack until he finally reached the very interior and froze in shock. Akuji and another wolf he did not recognize were there, but his lavenders were only upon Motionless. She too had carried a corpse into Malignant... but she had brought another varg. "...what...I.... I don't understand..." A low chuckle emitted itself in a rumble from Akuji's throat. 'Now the real entertainment is about to start.'

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||Drizzt|| ||Belongs to the Sun|| ||Malignant Felicity Spring Grounds|| ||Teen||


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