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The OOC board is, well, multi-purpose! Members can post freely here and the majority of site-related content will be posted here as 'announcements,' while general chatting goodness is encouraged to take place over on our Discord server.

Plot-trackers and to-do lists can also be posted here. Events such as "Quarterly Highlight" nominations and voting, site-wide plots, Casanova nominations and site-wide changes (such as a rule update) will also be posted here. You may use the 'key' below to colour-code your posts!

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Rule Updates - Added

Hello everyone!

We just wanted to bring to your attention that thanks to your suggestions and questions we have brought about some rule changes to LC. With these updates we'd like to ask that players review all the rules if you have some time to spare! If there are any questions regarding the new rules or existing ones please feel free to ask a member of staff! That being said here are the new rules.

The first rule was added to prevent god play, and while it always has been a rule covered by power play, it now has its own line. The rule states:
God Modeling is prohibited on LC. This means a character cannot know things to which they do not have a way of knowing reasonably or dodging every attack in a fight not on the "Fight" board. Please be realistic with character's actions while playing.

The next rule regards pups that are inactive or were played by players that have left LC. This rule was suggested to us and has been added:
A pup's parents' player can reclaim the pup to play or adopt out so long as the following requirements are met: the pup must be two years old or younger; the pup must have been posted less than three times; the pup was not created using a custom stat or +1 pup unless these prizes were purchased by the parents players (cases, where points were split, parent player maintains rights). Parent players that have pup Players that go on indefinite hiatus or go inactive may reclaim those pups at any time.

We also clarified what a 'thread' is regarding Casanova breeding.

Added 4/24/17
There has been a rule regarding hiatus list and activity check process. Members who miss an activity check shall be moved from members to hiatus. To consecutively miss a second one that member will be removed from hiatus. Members who voluntarily place themselves on hiatus will remain on the list for a year unless otherwise noted to staff/updates.

The imprint rules have been almost completely re-written to better clarify and accurately describe the imprinting process as well as what affects it can have on your characters. The affects of the 'Deepening Bonds' added at the beginning of this in game year have also been officially added!

Thanks everyone! Remember if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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