visit today Posted on May 18, 2017 at 00:39:03 AM by dan stuckey
Wednesday May 17
Carden Alvar
A very interesting couple of hours on the Carden Alvar. I had a Loggerhead Shrike on Shrike Road south of McNamee Road- also good numbers of Bobolinks on Shrike Road north and south of McNamee. I walked Wylie from the viewing blind, through the sedge meadow north to the grasslands north of the barn. Two observations of note during this walk – Red-headed Woodpecker north of the blind on the west side and a female moose with calf on the south- west side of the sedge meadow. Eastern Bluebird, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee , Blue-wing Warbler seen and/or heard throughout the area and to cap it off – two goofy Roughed grouse looking to become road kill back on the highway! And I met two very nice young people from the Couchiching Conservancy doing good work.