The Lost Islands

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take my hand through the FLAMES

I'm headed straight for the castle

Everything around her screamed color and life, the plants breathing in and the trees releasing oxygen into the thawing, morning air. The most beautiful time of day, she thought with closed eyes, allowing her others senses to do the work. Lilac. Rose. Perhaps some seaweed in the mix? The smells mingled to create a perfect perfume. For the past year her hooves had wandered from place to place, never willing to settle down and call something 'home.' It seemed logical when she was first out on her own, but the longer she allowed herself to wander the more she began to question what it was she wanted and what she was searching for. Did she need companionship? Her track record would tell you no, however she had recently begun to feel lost and alone while out in the wide world. The constant traveling had never allowed her to fall in love and it had been almost a year since she had last paid a visit to her parent(s) and siblings. They understood her need to not be tied down, but it never stopped her mother from trying to plant the idea of returning permanently, especially after her father passed.

She had been the last born child, and by far the youngest. All her siblings were years and years older. None of them belonged to her mother, seeing as she had met her father late in his life. Silvanus had always begged her father for stories of his previous homes and the many different lives he seemed to lead. Once he had been young and reckless, then reserved and afraid. There were so many sides to him, and he had seen so much of the world. By the time he met her mother he was gray and wise, yet still humorous. She wanted to keep her sense of wonder until the day she died, just as he had held onto laughter. Her mother was still young enough to take another mate, but she seemed content to sit on the island and watch the days go by in slow motion. She couldn't imagine a life like that, but to each their own she supposed.

Clop, clop, clop. Her hooves made a racket as she journeyed across the stone ledges. Glancing at the canyon that ranged below her, she relished the adrenaline the spiked her blood. The morning had lightened significantly since she had first swam across the shore, and though she still wasn't completely dry she was warming up. It was assumed that she was in the correct place since she had never ventured here before, and once she had the chance she could stop and ask someone. If she'd followed her father's directions correctly she'd be somewhere within the Lost Islands, the land he was born in. Or at least close to it since he'd only ever said it was a forest within the islands.

I'm here father, I'm finally going to see it. All of it. Silvanus breathed deeply and locked her eyes straight ahead, heading for the first friendly face she could find. Or at least friendly-ish. "Excuse me? Can you tell me where I am, and perhaps where I might find a..forest?" She pawed the ground nervously, her right, front hoof slightly chipped from her long journeying.


(unknown x Sterkte)

[Friesian Mix | 16.3 | Black | Six | Stallion | Homeless | TheKittyha]

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