what stays and what fades away - " />
The Lost Islands

what stays and what fades away

the silence in-between
what i thought and what i said

For both of them, the question seemed to be whispered in the backs of their minds, although as of yet neither of them was brave enough to ask it aloud to the other. Instead, Merete’s ears simply flicked forwards attentively to listen to Diamant’s answer, weighing each word against the jumbled thoughts in her mind.

When he said that he had relatives on Tinuvel too, the thoughts only became more jumbled and more confused. Perhaps it would not be so strange to think that he might be a relative of hers, she was sure that she had about a hundred half-nephews and -nieces, even grand ones by now perhaps, that she had never even met or heard of. And yet, save for his age, even she could see that they did not look several generations or bloodlines apart.

But the alternative suggestion, well, it was simply insanity to consider, surely.

Much like Diamant, however, she made an effort to squash the stray thoughts and return her attention to the conversation which skirted expertly around them. It was a skill that ran in the family, after all.

“I didn’t see anyone else on my way from the shore,” she replied, tossing her forelock out of her eyes. “I can’t say for sure whether that means nobody lives here, but the place is certainly not as busy as it was in my day.”

She paused a moment, to gaze around them, as if an inhabitant of the territory might break through the trees just to prove her point. But nobody did, and so Merete’s mind wandered back to what Diamant had said, slowly processing it in her mind.

“Who told you that you had relatives here?” she asked bluntly, the question almost brushing against the one she really wanted to ask. “Where did you come from?”

Perhaps a name, she assumed that of his sire or his dam, would provide her with a clue that might set her curious mind at ease.


(het vuur x sterre)


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