During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


im just a puzzle missing a few pieces

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To outsiders:
Tired, weary lids rose to uncover her sunny pools. A few times those same lids blinked, both to wetten her dry eyes and to try to orient herself. Nares flared as she breathed normally, but it was quickly followed by a few short sharp inhales. Immediately, the femme's head rises and she peers about, audettes flickering about to detect anyone else's presence about her. But there was nothing other than the whisper of a wind as it flittered through the branches of the trees that surrounded her. Her weight briefly shifted forward so that she could get her haunches underneath her as she rose, and then she shifted and got to her front paws. Still her auds and orbs swiveled around looking her.

To myself:
I do not know where I am, but I am not overly surprised. How many times have I woken up in a place I do not know, or at least in a place I did not fall asleep in? How many times have I opened my eyes seemingly after only blinking and it is another hour, another day, another place all together? Too often, too commonly, and yet this is my new norm. Though I am skilled in healing and know of multiple diseases and lore, I cannot for the life of me - for my life indeed is on the line - account for the reason that this is happening to me. It is not as if I have always been this way - no, it just only now started to happen. And by that I mean perhaps a year now... it is hard to tell truly how long it has been. What if at one point I lapsed in time for over a year? I would never know, especially as I have not belonged to a pack in a long while. I do feel older, but I attribute it to the incessant travel that occurs when my mind is elsewhere. I have no friends or family left that I know of... perhaps Macaria is still alive somewhere - my niece, that is - but I doubt she would remember me, or even want to remember me. She was kidnapped when she was still young, and so I have no idea what has become of her.

But for now my current problem and what I am currently thinking of - where the hell am I? I am in no place that I know of - neither my birth land nor the place I have wandered recently. None of these scents are ones I know - even the plants that grow here are different, and thus now I am at a loss. I cannot say what it is I am meant to do. Should I attempt to find my way back home? But where is home? Do I have anything or anywhere that I can truly claim to be home for me. Ah, but my paws are tired as are my muscles, and it is almost night now. How far my body has travelled without me I do not know, and I cannot be sure of ever finding the way back to... well wherever I was before. I was not in Blossom Forest before... and somehow I have found my way back there. Back here. Which pack it is I don't know, nor do I care. So is the right answer then to stay and make this place my home? As I told you, I have no ties to my old place... there is no reason not to stay. And so I sighed and look up and a smile graces my kissers - one thing that has not changed at least is the sky. I have to squint because of the bright rays, but still I peer up at it until the onslaught of a headache forces me to turn away from it. All I want from this life now is to be happy. I don't want responsibility - not for a pack, not for family, not for friends, not for love. This is the perfect place to start over.

Now that I have decided to stay, I take stock of myself - I am tired, no doubt from my trip here, but otherwise I am healthy and uninjured. Sometimes that happens too - I wake up to find wounds upon myself. But always am I full, and now is no different. However, my nose and lips are dry and my tongue feels like sandpaper in my mouth - I am too warm, dehydrated. I smack my lips and start moving, each paw pushing off the ground with the same force to propel me forward into an easy trot. I smile and shake my head - I have no idea where I am... no idea what land this is... no idea where I am going or where to find water. Thusly I just continue in a straight line. For nearon an hour I travel, my weary muscles crying out for relief but I keep going, knowing that if I do not find any water, this land will not support me. But the grass is green and the plants are strong and it all points to one thing - that there is indeed water. The river is a welcoming site as it reaches my orbs and I bark as I enter into a lope and run to its edge, lapping up water hungrily. Incessantly, I swivel my auds, listening for anyone's approach. Instead I hear a call... a pack meeting. I shrug, more from a lack of care than anything else - one Alpha is the same as any other. But to belong to a pack means safety, at least in numbers, at least for the moment or until my other self transfers me to somewhere else. And so I go to it - go toward the call, her call for all of her members. I guess I will soon count myself among them. I enter the clearing where they have gathered and dip my head, greeting the one at the center, the Alphess. I freeze for only a moment as not hers, but another's scent enters my nares. I see her brindled limbs and I know it cannot be another other.

"So this is why you brought me here..." The words are murmured on my lips and will not be heard by any other, but I shake my head to be clear of her and of all memories of her and instead present myself to the Alphess, catching Kirastasia's drop of a name. "Lady Milo, I wish to join as well. I will not lie and say that I have not belonged to other packs before, but all that I have ever been loyal to before are nothing more than ghosts now. I will be loyal to the land, and maybe eventually to you as well, but I will never betray you. I seek to settle my paws here, if you will have me." Rolling over, I expose my ventrum as well, careful indeed not to touch my fur to hers.

||Kahlan|| ||Broken Heart|| ||Cracked Soul of Nowhere || ||69cm.:.23kg||Adult||


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