if this is to end in fire. - " />
The Lost Islands

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if this is to end in fire.

if this is to end in fire

Familiar scents flood her delicate nostrils, with the scents came a rush of memories popping onto the screen of her mind. Dixon. Kalypso. Lyden. Her heart clinches at the thought of each of them. Her mind lingers on Kalypso, her beautiful daughter. They had been separated shortly after the filly had turned 6 months, they had hunkered down within the safety of Paradise. She had heard distinct screaming, atleast that is what she had thought it was. She had left Kalypso with the other mares and headed out into the torrential rain. She had searched for the source of the scream, and never found a single soul. She had tried to return to the herd, but with pitch black night and the torrential rains, she had lost her way. She had become panicked and lost her way, she had stumbled and slid down a sharp cliff ending up in the ocean.

She had struggled against the angry whitecapped waves and the unrelenting tide, but no matter how hard she tried; the ocean had a mind of her own. She had found herself trapped within a tide that pulled her far from the Lost Islands.

Salty ocean water drips from her pearly coat, pooling at her hooves as she picks her way up the beach. Her ribs protrude from her hide, and her hips were beginning to make their appearance. Hungrily she devours the salty grass at the beach's edge, each bite tastes better than the one before. Her ears rotate atop her head, trained on any unfamiliar approach of hooves. She was wary, not sure who would approach. She knew this place well, the Commons. She was no young naive filly anymore, she had evolved... Changed.

She pauses her greedy eating for a brief moment, only long enough for her to lift her delicate chiseled head high on her arched nape to search for familiar faces. Her piercing blue eyes scan for Kalypso, Dixon, anyone that she had known her previous life. With a soft snort, she wasnt even sure if they would recognize her if they saw her.

Akhal Teke Mutt - Perlino Dun - 14.3 hh - 8 years


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