i have a thousand things to say to you - " />
The Lost Islands

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i have a thousand things to say to you

I have a thousand things to say to you.

Familiarity. Finally a blob begins to make its appearance from the ocean's horizon. A feeling of anxiety bubbles up within her chest at the thought of what was to come. Who would greet her as her hooves touched Salem's sandy shores? Would there be a familiar, friendly face? Or the face of a stranger? She reaches out with renewed energy, soon her hooves would rest upon the familiar shores.

As the waves crash around her, she strolls confidently from the ocean. She had spent many months wandering the other islands. Feeding upon the luscious grasses that the other islands offered a wary traveler. She had avoided the throngs of horses, sticking to the outskirts of each island. She had noticed in her travels that the herds begin to thin out, soon leaving her alone on most islands. She bumped into the fresh scent every now and then, but to her it felt strange. Where were they disappearing to?

Water drips from her chestnut coat, running in rivulets down her delicate legs. The rising sun washes the sandy shore in its soft pink and orange hues, she pauses in mid step. Her delicate ears flick atop her crown, her nostrils quiver as the scent of the ocean mixes with the stank of another stallion. She is unconcerned with his presence, if he came close enough she would lay her teeth across his hide. She had no business with this "New" stallion.

She casts a single glance over her back toward the crossing isle, before continuing along the sandy shore. She chooses not to head deeper into the Desert, until late into this evening. If Orhan was still here, she knew he would eventually find her. Her stomach flip flops at the thought. How would their conversation unfold after all this time?

Egyptian Arabian - 14.2 hh - 8 years old - Flaxen Chestnut Rabicano

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