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Sol's 100th Formal Apology >

Hey guys!

So, obviously I have been super duper missing around here lately. I haven't meant to be at all but unfortunately, it's sort of just happened.

Essentially, I had a whole bunch of 'ohhhh! duhh' moments while I was in Croatia. I have been drawing and studying pretty much nonstop since we got back! Like, every day...which is a complete turnaround seeing as I used to do art maybe once a week. My sleep pattern is insane though (I go to bed at about 5am and wake up at 2pm, and then I usually draw from 5pm to 3am)... plus, my boyfriend is on holidays with me again. All together, it just means I'm constantly doing stuff.

An unfortunate byproduct is that by the time my brain is like 'hey! Let's write!', I've gotten into bed or I'm out and about doing errands :(

However, I'm going to make a real effort to actually write because, well, it's where most of my ideas come from. I thought it'd be easier to manage with my holidays but it turns out I'm a complete sucker for alone time and schedules! So my plan is to try put aside at least two days a week to just knock down posts and get plotting.

Sorry for the huge wall of text! I just miss everybody and all our characters (I even feel bad that I'm MIA most of the time on Facebook -- I'm just there to check out art and then I'm gone Dx so I feel awkward seeing a message days later blah!) so I just wanted to explain that I haven't lost interest or forgotten everybody. Sol just had some big realizations lately and I'm going to find a way to balance all my passions instead of drowning in just one.

Post wise... I can't say what order I'll go in, sorry! I'm just going where the muse goes...which is everywhere haha. I will likely work my way through the packs starting from Glorall and then attack the free lands.

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