The Lost Islands

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Macabre assumes correctly. Rowena came in search of Vodnik before. She found him quickly and scarcely left the Ridge. The Peak is a foreign place with scents unfamiliar. Since she's been gone all this time, all of the islands and their territories, even those that once felt like home, now feel foreign and strange to Rowena. So much has changed.

So few knew the truth behind the black mare's first arrival, but it was a dark quest. Her own heart struggled with conflicting emotions. Her moral compass fought with her sense of duty then. Her infatuation with Ailill was just a distraction from the real issue. Her mission now is as changed as the Ridge. Rowena's mission carries a measure of sadness, but also brings peace and closure.

"I came to find you..." Rowena answers truthfully, knowing she'll have to explain. Letting Macabre work the truth out of her is the only way she'll accomplish what she came here to do.

But before this can happen, Rowena's worries come to fruition, and they are found.

Despite being aware of the stranger's approach, Rowena still flinches when the other mare comes into view. Her heart races in her chest and her stomach turns, now with nerves of a different sort. Her ears are drawn, not in aggression, but in unease. Rowena lowers her head as to appear non-threatening. The grown mare is so desperate to avoid further conflict that she postures like a foal about to be scolded. Rowena has had enough fighting for one lifetime.

Though much to her relief the stranger welcomes them, and Macabre, diplomatic as ever, introduces herself. Rowena can see why Vodnik was so quick to appoint her as lead. "I'm Rowena." is all she has to offer when it's her turn for introduction. There are no titles, no lands, nothing of the sort to add to her name. Though she seriously consider's Macabre's offer to join her in the peak, Rowena is still a drifter. Let the winds of chance blow her where they may.
pirouette in the dark
I see the stars through a mirror

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