Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


;;{we can't all be cheerful};;

The arctic lasses pelt had gotten completely covered in pollen and flowers by the time she had collapsed in the field; panting as she had. But it wasn't long before her ears were perking at the swishing of flowers and soon a voice was connected with those flowers swishing. When she looked up, there was another white wolf, just like her. Except this one was way bigger than her; and his muzzle looked beat up and looked like he had seen better days. Lost in her own little world she'd forgotten to even acknowledge him other than looking him over; he was huge compared to her. Ears going flat against her head as if she wasn't sure what this brute would do.

When the blue-grey eyed lass did come down from being in her own world, she perked her ears; rolling over onto her back in a silly way. You certainly aren't intruding, I go by Milo and I'm pretty new as well Kershov she laughed as she looked up at him from her stance on her stance on her back on the ground, Plume swaying cheerfully and her tongue lolling to the side of her mouth. Sorry I didn't respond first off, was off in my own little world she seemed to do that a lot, go into her own little world where she could be happy as long as she wanted. Her eyes stayed on Kershov, her bodice not moving other than her plume that swayed in happiness.

As the lady waited for a response, she let herself think about the past few weeks and to see if the name Kershov had been among those thoughts or if she had heard anything. She hadn't. Or at least she thought she hadn't. What she wasn't aware of was that this brute was a newfound king, just like she was a newfound queen. And maybe there was a alliance somewhere brewing in this meeting later down the line. A friendship as well maybe. A friendship between the two of them and an alliance between the two of the packs they ruled. Milo sure wouldn't mind having friends or an alliance with a powerful brute such as Kershov.



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