Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
Turkey Vultures

An interesting sighting yesterday. After reading that southward flying shorebirds are starting to trickle through, I decided to go to the Beeton agricultural area and visit some of the remaining wet spots left over from the "monsoon" of June22/23. Visiting one such site on the 15th sideroad between the 12th and 13th line, NE of Beeton I was amazed to see 30+ Turkey Vultures plus numerous gulls and crows loafing and "scavenging" on the sod fields east of the 15th. I speculate that the water course on the south boundary of this area overflowed its banks during the deluge contributing to the extensive flooding this site experienced (the entire area including the 15th itself was under water with road closures). Perhaps fish were flooded out of the river and were stranded in the fields as the water receded, making for easy pickings!

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