The Lost Islands


The past was a long and complicated time—one that Valve never bothered to dwell on for too long. Her earliest memories were of the Lagoon, and her father Slenderman. Much of what she had learned at such a young and impressionable age was because of him. Her mother was a positive influence on her as well, though she never bought into her justice warrior mentality. Valve learned that if you want something, you must take it, but you must also convince everyone else that your taking it is the best possible outcome for everyone—themselves included. Valve certainly had done this many times over, and she would continue, sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

“Sure,” she told Evaline, affirming that it would fine for her to accompany the dark mare the desert in due time. She would be able to see Vita Nova and Valve could conduct her own business. They would both benefit from this upcoming trip.

A long pause fell between the two mares until Evaline asked about Shamwari and their alliance. It was only natural for her to be curious, and Valve was perfectly fine with answering.

“I do,” she replied just as directly. “He just needs to be made aware of the terms of that alliance.”

She flicked her tail, envisioning precisely how she would direct that future conversation. She was reasonably certain Shamwari would not find qualms with her terms. It was certainly better than making an enemy out of her—and Shamwari knew what that looked like better than most. He had seen it with his own eyes.

You know, when I first met you, I didn’t like you.

Valve stared at Evaline for a moment and blinked, wondering why she would blurt out such a strange opinion. She wasn’t exactly surprised to hear it. She was sure plenty of others felt entirely the same way. Truthfully, Valve didn’t care who liked her and who didn’t. She didn’t need them to like her to accomplish anything.

“That doesn’t matter,” she said simply. Because it didn’t.

slenderman x black heart machine
