better give my heart a listen - " />
The Lost Islands

better give my heart a listen


It did not take long for Persephone’s call to attract attention. Within seconds the sounds of hoofbeats caught her ears, and she turned her head in the direction of their owner. He had been approaching at quit the pace, judging by the sound, but seemed to have paused a little way away, and Persephone watched as the stranger’s body language seemed to change from standoffish to relaxed.

Evidently he had decided she was no trouble.

He approached her at a trot then before coming to stand before her. Persephone’s dark gaze studied him as he came closer – a tall, black and white man, whose Friesian blood seemed evident in his strong build. She offered him a small bob of her head in respectful greeting.

“Greetings,” she returned, her expression serious, although she was in a good enough mood from her morning’s successes that she offered him a small, polite smile.

“I always have a purpose, Orkaan,” she continued, a light note of playfulness in her voice. “I am Persephone, leader of the Forest. I came to introduce myself, and to meet the rest of the herd leaders around the islands – I just came from doing the same thing in the Bay with your neighbour, Mariael.”

She paused for a second, watching to see what his reaction was to this small piece of information, and to her naming Mariael.

“She speaks quite kindly of you,” she said simply, her dark eyes holding his gaze.

all of your demons will wither away

mixed, bay varnish roan, 14.3hh


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