The Lost Islands

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lahu muh lag gaya

soya tha nas nas mein
ab ye jag gaya

As exotic as the mare’s accent had been, the thick stallion’s was too, though the way they formed their words were as far apart as any could be. Her eyes were sharp, dark, and intelligent, much like the eyes of a bird of prey. She did not shy away from how openly and how critically she watched him, obviously deciding his stripping of the scabs was a fool’s errand. A moment passed and she looked from his face to the wounds, betraying nothing of what she felt of them. It was clear she wasn’t a squeamish thing, in spite of the fact that no wounds marred her bay and white coat. She made a small noise of disapproval in her throat as a response to his nonchalant answer.

The stallion at her hind had remained back, clearly distrusting of the scarred stranger, his eyes wary.

She snapped her gaze to him. Jax, he’d called himself. “No.” She said simply enough to his question, for they couldn’t say how far away they were but they’d traveled for long enough to decide they were too far to be anywhere near where they’d been born. “This is your home?” It was good information to know. If this thick, dark stallion was a local they would understand what they might expect as they tried to decide if this was a place to settle and for how long.

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