The Lost Islands

i'd die for her, she lives for me

nymphadora & zephyra -----
by spartan out of samara

Zephyra tries to keep her ire under control even as she can feel Nymphadora fidgeting nervously beside her. She keeps her breathing even while the stallion rants, her expression as stern as it’s ever been. He’s acting like a child that hasn’t gotten his way, slipping into his native tongue. Even without a translation, Zephyra isn’t moved. She waits a beat once he finishes before responding.

”That’s the way life is – some are cruel and some are vulnerable. Are you going to go around, trying to free every mare that you think could have a better life? It’s not up to you to try to make the world a better place. Your job is to keep the Inlet a safe place.” Her voice is firm and her black tail slaps her flank in confirmation of her agitation. ”And let me be clear right now: if anything happens to my sister because of one of your misguided schemes, you will pay dearly.”

Snorting harshly, she wants nothing more to do with him at the moment. Pivoting sharply, Zephyra turns and heads inland, planning on waiting for Nymphadora, who she knows will eventually find her, and hoping that she’ll be able to find a spot that will hide her from Orkaan’s unreasonableness.

As soon as her sister is out of earshot, the blue roan turns to Orkaan, amber eyes guilty. ”She doesn’t really mean that, she’s just worried. She’s always been protective of me even though I was born first.” Her words are a little rushed, not liking the idea of conflict between their little family so soon. Unlike Zephyra, she keeps her expression open and even takes a step closer to Orkaan.

”It is that simple, though,” she refutes, softening at the endearment even if she doesn’t know what it means. She is no less horrified by the thought of him stooping to Koray’s level but realizes that looking so upset about it probably won’t do any good, especially once she goes to find her twin. ”If you leave them alone except to defend what you love, then everything will be much easier.”

It isn’t something she’s ever had to think about, but Nymphadora is the type to sacrifice herself to keep her family happy. She would put herself in the middle of a dispute to keep the peace (not that she will realize that until the situation presents itself).

She sighs and smiles gently, reaching out to lip at Orkaan’s mane. ”And if you want us, we will come,” she promises as she watches him move away. She’d probably have to drag Zephyra kicking and screaming, but her sister would eventually cave. She turns and follows the direction Zephyra had gone, knowing she’ll be spending at least the rest of the day calming her sister down.

five - blue roan & black tobiano - mustang x quarab mix - 14.1hh - of the inlet
html by tricky. characters by Alison.

                      • x -

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