At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


In The Darkness I'll Find Stars

Camilles’ auds pricked up when they heard the sound of a stick snapping. Her gaze soon turned in that direction, knowing it had to be something larger than a bunny. There, standing just a couple levels down, well actually crunching to the ground, was another creature like herself. It was a maned wolf! Wait, why was she cowering? Surely, she wasn’t that scary looking? The thought made her want to laugh, most said that she was too beautiful to appear scary. Had her coat really gotten that dirty during her travel? Amusement appeared upon her face, not necessarily at Olyas’ expense, but due to her own thoughts.

Cami didn’t move because she didn’t want to give the stranger an excuse to run. That would dampen her mood, the first wolf who might speak to her she would send scurrying for the hills. Twin towers stayed alert on top of her head instead of going flat, a sign that she wasn’t being aggressive. Shortly after her maw parted as she spoke, her gentle voice would carry to the demoness, in hopes of easing her fear.

I mean you no harm hun. She would have to excuse her endearments, it was just how Camille spoke. The idea of the other wolfess possibly sticking around to speak caused her flag to wag a few times where it laid upon the rock. Please get up, my bark is worse than my bite. A smile was given then after she tried a joke to try and get the other one to ease up, literally, off the ground.

Cami hadn’t noticed the dry blood on the other huntress yet. Due to the wound already being small, the blood had also dried making the scent faint. It also didn’t help that there was distance between the two she-wolves along with the fact that the stranger was red in color. Almost her whole body was that shade of light red with some black and white thrown in. The other’s form seemed so delicate to her, but maybe that’s just because she looked different. Cami hadn’t thought about how her staring could come off as intimidating. There was no helping it though, she found the unknown fea very intriguing, and it wasn’t just the fact that she was first to come so close since getting here.

My name’s Camille. She told the lass if she hadn’t bolted by then. What’s your name dear? Her blue orbs watched in a non-threatening manner. In all honesty, if Olya hadn’t stepped on the twig then she never would have been seen by Cami.


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