The Lost Islands

my mind's like a deadly disease

After everything you’ve done, I can thank you for how strong I’ve become

A ferocious storm, that is who he was. Orkaan found himself intrigued by Jaci’s decision to embrace it rather than push back as some might do. Such a refreshment after all my recent misfortune. I must keep her close. She is precious, He thought with fondness. Even her quick ability to joke with him was like a cold drink of water after a long day of hard work. How much she and Dora would brighten his home! The warmth they would bring with their liveliness throughout the harsh winters. The monochrome brute chuckled, her eagerness infectious. ”Off we go then.”

They were an odd pair, the giant and the hummingbird of a girl. Her hooves carried her gracefully, while his were the confident yet large steps of a king thundering about. As they swam, he led the way, although always staying close to the white femme. Auds were kept alert and optics on the lookout for any signs of danger. He did not expect trouble, but the let his guard down would have been a failure on his part. As the two swam further from the commons and closer to Tinuvel to waves grew icy, drenching the stag’s thick winter coat and tangling his mane. It was a journey that felt brutal at times, but it also made Orkaan feel strong. The pushing of the water made his chest ache, reminding him he would not be fully healed from his battle for quite some time. Amber eyes checked back on his companion, happy to see she seemed to fare well in the cold.

The shore came as a welcome friend, enveloping them into his home. Orkaan stood close to Jaci, sharing what little warmth he could as he settled into a sort of contentment. Things could begin looking up. He had won the battle against the chestnut stallion. He had Dora, Jaci, and the company of Evren and Zephyra even if they weren’t as pleasant as the later. He was beginning his family, digging in the roots he’d been born with.

”Welcome home Mijn sneeuwengel. [translation: my snow angel]” Her smile pulls one across his maw as well. Nuzzling her shoulder he then points his muzzle to the caverns a short ways away. ”We will find warmth there, and perhaps your new herd mates. I am so pleased you like it. Is there anything else that would make you happy here?”

male | friesian mutt | inlet king | kittyha's lost soul

html & character (C) thekittyha


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