The Lost Islands

my mind's like a deadly disease dora

After everything you’ve done, I can thank you for how strong I’ve become

It had been days since he had last seen Zephyra or Nymphadora. Though the ice King had mostly healed from his fight with Shamwari - the brute who dared try to take his Dora, he still wheezed from time to time, especially as winter set in across the Inlet, the crisp air stabbing his lungs. After his victory, the behemoth had traversed the crossing isle and came across a lovely, white angel. His Jaci. The thought of her name brought a slight smile to his face.

Amber optics roved the terrain, his crown lifted high. Do they even know that I’ve defended them? Perhaps his pride was a still hurting. Zephyra didn’t appear to be his biggest fan and Dora saw the world differently than he. Still, he wanted for her company. Her lively, childlike joy. Across the open space of land laid snow upon snow, a winter wonderland. As the season’s had change, Orkaan’s usually sleek coat had become shaggy to keep him warm, a definite plus of living in cold terrain most of his life. Above, the sky was bright, the sun like a lightbulb that lacked the ability to produce heat.

Shaking himself, the titan trotted near the border of his home, an unnecessary patrol. With the cold, there had been less and less trouble. Few enjoyed swimming to Tinuvel during the winter. It was then that he caught sight of the blue roan figure, her lovely frame near the caverns he’d urged his herd toward. Orkaan nickered loudly, his voice carrying across the quiet plain as he cantered toward Dora. Phi was likely near by, she rarely seemed to leave her sister’s side.

”Dora! How are you faring with the winter? Well I hope.” Trying to put their previous disagreement from his mind, the monochrome stallion grinned at the mare. Of course, his mind had other plans, tempting him to rehash what was already done. It would be time for the herd to all get to know each other soon and he sincerely hoped they might all be able to persuade Evren that this was a good home. Yet he wasn’t even sure the twins felt that way anymore.

male | friesian mutt | inlet king | kittyha's lost soul

html & character (C) thekittyha


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