Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


even though I am shrouded in darkness

A Promise Was Made

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Adara stood close to him, ready to support him as his trembling limbs threatened to give out beneath him. She smiled at him encouragingly, and Drizzt managed a smiled himself as he asked about the voices he had heard. His aunt did not seem phased by the question at all, which was reassuring. Drizzt was never prone to insanity, unlike his father whose mind sometimes got soft and malleable. He had therefore had no question that the voices in his mind were real, and though they confused him, what had bothered him more was the idea that he had been the only one who heard them. Once he finally stood, his limbs angled outward to brace his wavering trunk, Adara answered his questions.

'Yes Drizzt, we’ve changed. The old magic that used to be here is back it seems. Our old bloodlines have brought it back to life inside us. The voices you heard were there to guide you through the transformation. Sadly I do not know much more at the moment about it. But how are you feeling, are you alright?'

Drizzt shook his head but then immediately regretted it. His head was still pounding and though it was mostly dull, the sharp movement had brought with it more pain. "What... what old magic. My father never told us anything about magic when we were pups, and neither did mother. sure, they told me the lore of the gods, but that was it." Briefly Drizzt wondered if his aunt had gone loony, speaking as she had about magic. Magic of all things... but how else could Drizzt explain the change he had experienced, and that Adara had apparently experienced as well. And while he had called the voices angels, she had not. "Do you... not think that they were angels? What, then? What else could they be than angels? As for... how I am feeling?" Drizzt glanced down, examining himself. He was not wounded at all, and it seemed that the pain he was feeling was all internal. It was odd to hurt without having been injured, and since he had never before had his heart broken it was a feeling that was completely new to him. Hi orbs raised to meet the vibrant blue orbs that his aunt now held - they had always been blue but now they were electric, mystic. "I'm... fine I guess. I'm alive so that's something. Are.... are my eyes like that too now?" Everyone had always told him that he was a spitting image of his father aside from his eyes.. but now it seemed that he would match his father perfect. He would not find out until after he had attempted to clean his pelt of all the blood that it had permanently stained his pelt a shade darker, switching him from an ivoro to a cremoro.

Drizzt shook his head... everything was so confusing now. So different. The voices - whether or not they were angels - had told him about the things that were yet to come along with the forces he now fought. The dangers he faced. He barely knew anything about fighting... how would he be able to survive against this new darkness? He was the son of Aindreas who was a great fighter, and the grandson of Kalgalath who could brag the same skill. Why then was he so deficient? Drizzt sighed and looked to his aunt. "If there truly are vampires and we are the only thing standing against them... I need to learn how to fight Auntie. We need... we need to go find my father. But first I need to talk to Motionless, there's something I need to talk to her about. You see, I have been living here but I don't know if I belong here. After... we need to go find him. I need to learn how to become all that I am. Unless..." He hesitated, thinking for a moment. He had never heard any stories of his aunt fighting, but if she was of the same lineage was it not possible she was adept as well? "Unless you can teach me." If she was going to teach him, he knew that she would need to either stay with him within the boundaries of Malignant Felicity, or he would have to leave and stay wherever she currently was keeping house. Drizzt adding that talking point to the list of things he needed to discuss with Motionless. But first he needed clarity from Adara herself. "Are you... where are you staying? Are you a member of a pack?" Drizzt knew he had no power currently to invite her into the pack as he was not ranked, and not really a member himself. But if he had all the details at least he would be able to build a strong case for her to enter or even join Malignant. But the thing he would have to fight first would be this uncertainty - his voice kept stuttering and wavering - perhaps it was due to the exhaustion that was quickly sweeping through his body, or else his fear of the future now that he knew bits and parts of it. No matter which, he needed rest anyway.

"I will find you again, after I speak with Motionless. either here or wherever you are staying - I may not be able to fight well yet, but I can track you just fine." A smile slipped over his facade and he rose, ready to leave.

OOC - so I figure maybe your next post could address this post and then skip ahead to after he has talked to Motionless? It can either be here at Malignant Felicity (but after the change so it will be Caidir Olc and they can discuss THAT change) or in the freelands. Whichever you would like!

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||Drizzt|| ||Belongs to the Sun|| ||Caidir Olc Elebeam Weargtreow Nowhere|| ||Adult||

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