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Re(8): Pick Your Classic Weekend Super Winners (Summary to Date) IP: Posted on August 27, 2017 at 08:41:26 PM by GWN
Lichty and Perley are the popular picks so far for the ISMA win (3.5 votes each); Timmy J has two votes and is the only driver predicted to sweep both events.
Shoe 2 is the popular pick for the Classic win with 3.5 votes. I'm surprised that no one has picked Otto Sitterly who has no feature wins this season, but has four Classic wins in the past eight years. Can Bobby Bond get his fourth Classic win in seven years despite not running regularly this year? The 2009-2015 Classics (seven in total) were won by just two drivers -- Otto Sitterly and Bobby Bond. Will we see a repeat winner this year like Sitterly, Bond, Gosek or Jeff Abold or a new one like Shoe 2, Timmy J, Michael Barnes, Brandon Bellinger or Michael Muldoon?
Do Shoe 2 and Sitterly plan to run the 94/95 Bodnar cars in the ISMA event? I thought I read somewhere that Shoe 2 plans to focus on his first Classic win. Replies: There have been no replies.
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