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4th Annual Calcutta Auction IP: Posted on August 28, 2017 at 09:12:50 PM by racinjason
here is all the info for the 4th annual Calcutta Auction.
The Calcutta is an auction for the International Classic. Every car that takes time Friday night will be auctioned off Saturday at 2pm at Camp Wopituyu.
how it works- starting with the slowest time and working to the fastest, evrry car is bid upon. going once, going twice and finally sold. minimum opening bids for the first 15 cars are 1$, the remainder will be a minimum of 5$.
payouts- 1st place pays 50% of the total pot. 2nd pays 25%. 3rd pays 15%. 20th pays 5% and last pays 5%.
last year, the total taken in was just shy of 2000$, with the winner getting 950$. the winning car was bought for 50$.
come one, come all, we'll start at 2pm and it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to complete.
any questions, feel free to stop by camp or get ahold of me personally at 315-751-1160.
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