
Where the magic happens...
Wanting your own adorable hoard of fluffy puppies? You’ve come to the right place!
In winter, parents post their stats (alongside any other relevant stats such as grandparents etc.) in the below format. Staff then roll dice to determine if you conceive. If you do (congratulations!), Staff will then roll some more dive and perform some magic in order to produce your puppy stats.
You can view how we do that magic right here!

Certain prizes, such as ‘Pick Your Own Litter Size’ and ‘Custom Stats’ must be used before Stats are posed, whereas ‘+1 Puppy’ can be used after. If in doubt, check with Staff!

Once Stats have been posted, players may post in response claiming and naming puppies. Once spring begins, the mother’s player must reply to the thread with a link to their ‘birthing post’ on the appropriate date unless an extension has been requested.

Parent Stats
* post for both father/mother
Height / Weight:
Eye Color:
Body / Fur Type: (be detailed! long, short, thick, whispy, scruffy fur; brawny, willowy, wide set ears, a tail that’s a little crooked – everything helps!)
Fur Colour: (be specific with markings, and include references if you want!)
Other Stats (Optional): (for example, parents and grandparents; siblings; anything ‘cultural’ such as special markings in their bloodline etc)

** We include the option of grandparent / sibling / etc stats in order to help produce unique puppies even if a pair are plainer coloured. For example, two pure white parents don’t leave much room for exploration but with additional family stats, we can bring in new traits!

Return to Lunar Children


you try to tell me,that you can heal me

Attempt one - Nerys is currently being evaluated for acceptance into Spirane

NAME| Nerys
AGE| Six
GENDER| Female

COAT| Her base coat is a soft, creamy, off-white colour overlaid with a lovely light tan-brown hue with a little rusty russet thrown in to add a light almost orange-ish, caramel hue. Overall she is very light in colour though her underside, chest-all the way up to the bottom of her chin and out to the base of her tail remain that same creamy off-white hue. She is really a very lovely thing to look at, very natural and earthy in all her tones, very much like this:
Coat Type – Average in all regards

EYES| A lovely hazel green just like her mother with flecks of lighter brown scattered through very earthy looking.

CONFORMATION| She is quite light and lithe overall, favouring her mother more so then her father in this regard. While she has more power then her mother, thanks to daddy, she is built for speed and agility and will simply race across the ground on those long legs. She has a long muzzle, giving her a slightly foxy look and yet it adds very noticeable definition to her face. She is graceful and sleek- a very pretty thing indeed!

MEASUREMENTS| 30 inches, 130 pounds

Yellowish0brown eyes
Height: 34 inches
Weight: 175 pounds
Stocky build and broad chest with medium to long hair the color of rust. Warlow has white beneath his muzzle trailing down his belly and has four white paws.

-26in 64lbs
- Hazel Green eyes, in a certain light looks like a light gray with a green hue.
- Slender build however muscular. Not very tall at the shoulder but built enough for taking down what she needs more of a quick foot than a fighter which shows in her build. A dark Mocha over her back down the top of her tail, before it mixes in to a creamy caramel color that flows down to a lighter cream set of paws however keeping the warm caramel hue about her.

35 inches 170 lbs
Pale Yellow Eyes
He wasn't as broad as Warlow due to his height and had a more even bodyshape with long creamy fur with flecks of pale red hues throughout his body.

Vibrant Blue eyes
31 in. 120 lbs
His mother was much leaner than his father but had good muscle growth for both power and speed and was an exceptional hunter due to this. She had medium russet fur with black streaks across the top of her head, down her legs and chest and white at the tip of her tail.

Mistletoe's Father
-42in 180lbs
-Eyes- Gold yet a hue of Grey in a certain light. Left eye is a rich light blue.
-Broad and bulky. Deep chest and sturdy frame his wait is mostly carried in his shoulders.
Four white paws and a sienna, stripe like marking over his right eye to the bottom of his muzzle. A Raw umber base and a Sherwood chest and belly with and tail is tipped with black.

Note: Raw Umber- Shade of brown darker than Chocolate. Sherwood is a dark beige.

Mistletoe's Mother
-39in 145lbs
-Eyes- A deep rich Cinnamon
- Deep Chest with long legs and slender waste. Well balanced for running and endurance. She has a Creamy caramel base coat that darkens over the spine, neck and face. Throughout the darker shade, an even darker shade is intertwined, verging on black in some areas. Soft and silky to the touch; much more dense than most in winter.

but i'm still bleeding,and you'll be the death of me


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