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OFFICIAL TIME TRIAL RESULTS IP: Posted on September 2, 2017 at 03:54:24 AM by GWN Novelis Supermodified Budweiser International Classic 200 Time Trials: 1. 55 Keith Shampine - 16.104, 2. 68 Michael Barnes - 16.241, 3. 7 Otto Sitterly - 16.348, 4. 2 Dave Shullick Jr - 16.349, 5. 11 Aric Iosue - 16.357, 6. 05 Jeff Abold - 16.422, 7. 15 Michael Muldoon - 16.451, 8. 5 Tim Devendorf - 16.485, 9. 91 Kody Graham - 16.601, 10. 14 Joey Payne - 16.625, 11. 51 Joey Moriarty - 16.647, 12. 44 Chris Perley - 16.664, 13. 47 Bobby Bond - 16.680, 14. 02 Brandon Bellinger - 16.707, 15. 0 Tim Snyder - 16.731, 16. 21 Bobby Santos - 16.657, 17. 72 Tim Jedrzejek - 16.862, 18. 6 Pat Lavery - 16.876, 19. 00 Joe Gosek - 16.891, 20. 01 Dan Connors - 16.975, 21. 50 Dave Gruel - 17.001, 22. 70 Dave McKnight - 17.118, 23. 79 Brian Sobus - 17.192, 24. 94 Logan Rayvals - 17.264, 25. 83 Lou LeVea Jr - 17.799, 26. 69 Brian Osetek - 17.874, 27. 71 Bill Sharkey - 17.890, 28. 77 Shaun Gosselin - 17.905, 29. 24 Jerry Curran - 17.916, 30. 56 Hal LaTulip - 18.334, 31. 66 Lou LeVea Sr - 18.611, 32. 1 Jeff West - NTReplies: There have been no replies.
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