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Re(2): not at all boring !! IP: Posted on September 5, 2017 at 02:55:33 AM by racefan300
Oh my name fits very well thank you. I have been to the speedway for 25 years, and have not missed a single classic and have only missed a few weeks over the years. So if you want to start talking crap about knowledge LETS GO! I understand that the race is 200 laps, I'm not stupid. Its just the point that too many people think this car and that car have a chance to win and they can't even finish a 50 lap feature. I did watch the whole race. I saw everything that happened. Including Timmy D. hitting Otto, Snyder, and Mike M all along the back stretch and into turns 3 and 4. I was sitting out back so I didn't see what happened in turn 1 with that accident. I say Eric A cut off Joey Payne coming out of 2 that caused him to spin on the back stretch. There were only a select few cars that could even pass. All the other cars had to pass below. This has been a huge problem over the last few years. Drivers trying to do too much going into turn 1 and turn 3. I hate to see people get into accidents because they cost a lot of money to fix. Replies: