September 6 2017 mountain lion sighting in Cranston,RI

This past Wednesday, September 6, 2017 a mountain lion, I kid you not, walked through my backyard heading to the brush along electrical power lines.

I called DEM that morning and reported the location and it was assumed to be a bobcat. However, once I later researched bob cats I realized this was NOT a bob cat. It was very large, at least 5 feet long. It walked like a lion, long lanky strides. No spots, a grayish tannish smooth, short coat. It looked well fed and well nourished.

Later I called DEM back and spoke with another person to correct and update my original report. I left my name and phone number. I also called the Cranston Police. I am told nothing can be done unless the animal posed a threat and or appeared sick/rabid. This animal looked quite healthy but I begged to differ with them. This animal does pose a threat, not only to pets but humans; children and adults.

This is not a joke or exaggeration. I know what I saw and it was NOT a bobcat.


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