deep in the meadow%01 under the willow - " />
The Lost Islands


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deep in the meadow, under the willow

a bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Bi-colored eyes fall linger on the masculine face of Zevulen, she can feel the mood change as she asks him about his family. Of course, no one's family was perfect, all of us had our deep dark secrets. How to explain to him that her mother had abandoned her? Left her with her father and disappeared into the crashing waves. For days they had worried for her, searched the sandy beaches for her pale body to wash up. She cringes inwardly as the thought crosses her mind.

Her ears listen intently as he speaks of his sisters, and how his sister actually lead the bay. Her mouth falls ajar in amazement. "She must be so strong and wise." She says, a mare leading a territory. His face falls as he begins to speak of his mother abandoning him, and his father leaving to search for them. She swallows hard, as she feels a lump developing in her throat. She dares to take a step closer to him, to brush her soft lips against his cheek. A soft touch like the ones her father would give her just when she needed the comfort of his touch.

She clears her throat and takes a single step back as warmth crawls up into her cheeks. "My mom left too." She whispers, just barely audible. It seems as if life had been unkind to the both of them, she settles her eyes on him as he asks if she lives in Paradise with her family. A soft smile touches her lips. "No... I have been alone on Paradise." She pauses. "Father left, he said he would come back, but I havent seen him for months. I decided it was time to stop waiting for him."

A soft smile touches her lips. "Zevulun. Do you believe in fate?" She asks.

Mutt - Dunskin Overo - 15.1 hh - 3 years - Asche x Caesisus

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