The Lost Islands

uneasy lies the head

uneasy is the head
That wears the crown

Days had blurred into weeks, leaving the painted stag tired and cranky. It always seemed as if no matter what he did, the illness would not subside. It had started just before his battle with Evren, he trying to stop her from leaving his ice palace. In the middle of the fight, adrenaline burning and his amber eyes like a wildfire, he had blacked out. When he awoke there was no doubt in his mind that the little fly was gone, gone with knowledge that could destroy him. When the rage at it all became too much, he took breaks from his herd, choosing to patrol the borders alone rather than risk losing his temper around one of the girls. Vita already had a somewhat poor opinion of him from what he could tell and Phi certainly wasn’t his biggest fan. No need to fan the flames.

It was a relief, when upon waking from his slumber one spring morning, he found that his crown did not ache. The pulsing behind his ears having subsided and his limbs renewed with the strength he had missed. As the others began to stir, Orkaan made his rounds, tail swishing happily against his side and a quiet grin hanging across his maw. Earlier in the week, he had observed Vita Nova’s departure and while he had tried to give her her space he was becoming antsy. What if something had happened during the birthing? What if wolves had caught the stench of blood and followed it straight to the new mother and child? The fawn was not his biologically but he had already determined that he would raise it as his own. Whoever the father was was not important. Thus, with narrowed eyes the stallion surveyed the land. Winter had begun its slow descent, sprigs of green popping up here and there while the sun warmed their backs.

That was when the duo walked into view. Mother and daughter, and although it was foolish, a hope rose to his throat. Could they be a family? Don’t be naive. You know that you are unlikely to win this one over. As for the child, you must teach her the wisdom Owdeht taught you. Pushing back a ball of vile he took a deep, calming breath. Hopefully the mare was in the mood to talk.

For once, as he pushed his way toward the two, he paid no attention to the others around him, bright eyes never straying from his target until he came a few lengths away from the new mother. Orkaan smiled despite himself and nickered a soft greeting, more gentle than his normal self would allow.”I am relieved to see you are both safe. I..” He paused, intending to say he had begun to worry but obviously thinking better of it. ”What is her name? She is lovely.” He beamed at the flicka as if he really were a new father, a first time father, greeting his daughter. Orkaan could be bullheaded, he could be vengeful and a giant flirt, but he loved his family more than his life. Loyalty always came first.

male | friesian mutt | inlet king | kittyha's lost soul

html & character (C) thekittyha


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