The Lost Islands

uneasy lies the head

uneasy is the head
That wears the crown

It seemed as if his visit to the Peak had been in an alternate reality. A reality in which he was still the capable king Owdeht had raised him to be, revisiting Sterkte’s old grounds and building new bridges that he hoped would bring his herd, his family, good fortune. Although he made enemies when necessary, the painted brute much prefered to have allies. Especially cunning allies. Perhaps the Vulcan’s could never be called such but they could all play nicely. Mariael and Persephone were also good to have as friends rather than foes, especially when his sickness seemed to be progressing. Of course, the hope was that they would never find this out. The hope was that Evren would keep her mouth shut long enough for him to heal. Once he was on another streak of being illness free, he could begin making more of an impact on the islands. Proving himself a brilliant king and a force to be reckoned with if you found yourself on the wrong side of things.

Such wishful thinking, though he did appear to be on the mend the last few days. It was during one of his usual border patrols that the semi-familiar scent hit his nostrils, alongside one he had not encountered before. Macabre. Had she seriously taken him up on his offer to come to the Inlet for a time? Would she really have swam the ocean with a newborn though? Doubt crossed the black and white titan’s face. Why would she risk coming here when she was either close to foaling, or had very recently foaled? Paranoia told him it could be a trap, and for a moment he wavered, auds flickering to his skull. What if she needs help?

Wind stinging his eyes, his legs carried him as quickly as his bulky bodice would allow, following first Macabre’s scent and then, the smell of blood.

It wasn’t until after the birth that Orkaan reached them, his head tilted in surprise, questions lining his lips. What was she doing here? Who was with her? Were they all okay? Had something happened at the Peak, something bad? You are a king, act it! He snapped to himself as he approached, cranium held high and neck elegantly arched. He made sure they could hear him coming though, sneaking up on a new mother was never a good idea.

”Welcome to the Inlet. I didn’t think I would see you here.” Pausing, he let his gaze slide to the unknown mare and then to the foal. At least no one seemed to be hurt. Can I be of assistance in some way?

male | friesian mutt | inlet king | kittyha's lost soul

html & character (C) thekittyha


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