Lullaby of the Crucified - " />

Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


Lullaby of the Crucified

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a vexatious kiss

Little by little; day by day the young princess was finding herself more able to traverse the bog and swamp in which she lived. Light as she was it was not nearly as dangerous for her to jump from the blooms that floated atop the depthless waters. Her light weight figurine pranced delicately to and from the tops of various floating plants, root to root, or just across the continuously damp bedded ground. The thick, water vapor that hung in the water coated the young babe with a glimmering sheen. It highlighted the subtle shades that were hidden within the depths of her pelt, though nothing stood out more than her crimson orbs, that appeared to be backlit. This subtle glowing made it impossible for her to travel during the day though. And even it was light out and she wanted to venture, she kept tight amongst the thickest shrubs because even the small hint of light began to give her a headache. Anything more would have knocked the poor babe unconscious.

Most days, Diosa watched the shadows filter over through the undergrowth near her cozy den with all her siblings, waiting for the night to come alive with the sounds of the pack. And today was no different. She caught some shut-eye here and there throughout the majority of the day, and through the brightest hours of the light cycle. At first she had fought off the old instinct of sleeping through the night, as she had done before her change. Slowly she was starting to transition from the old cycle, to the new. She felt herself want to sleep during the day more often now, and therefore she found herself more awake in the evening and midnight hours. She was becoming more akin to what she was re-created as by her mother Lucaya. She was a vampire now, and she was trying to her best to act like one even if her sister wasn’t. Holly was the only one of them that had not changed, but instead she was strong enough to remain a wolf and their mother still accepted her. Diosa’s need to protect her sister had only grown after their changing. Holly was vulnerable against those who walked as the undead. Diosa and those that she was like, had no scent, night vision, and canines capable of sucking away the life so many other held precious. The bittersweet, coppery tang of the crimson liquid made her salivate. She was so hungry now… but she still feared her abilities and the needs that she had.

Diosa slowly crept out of the den, leaving behind her curled up siblings, but she nuzzled Holly just before she left. Crimson eyes turned towards the subtle changing hues of the sky from violet-blue to the faint pinkness that still tinged the horizon. As soon as she was out of earshot of the den, she bounded away effortlessly and with a small yip of joy. Freedom at last! She sprinted head first into the darkness, her blood-dyed orbs letting her see the world in utter clarity even in such murky darkness. Her nose reached up into the air, a deep breath of air gulped into her lungs, but as it passed over her taste buds and nasal cavities she scented something new, something fresh. Diosa cringed at the way the phrase had popped into her mind, thinking of the hunger that was slowly building in her. She needed to feed soon or she wouldn’t make it and she could already the feel the effects of the length of time it had been since she had fed for the first time.

The hunger was slowly drawing out a darker beast within her, but she withheld the cravings as best she could as she neared this other being. Her little legs bounded across the boggy land, her careful tracing across the pack had started to pay off as she knew what to look for. What were signs of danger and what places were steady enough to step across. Diosa blended into the dark undertones of the late evening, but the visitor she had scented, and now saw was starkly contrasting against the land. Blood red orbs scanned the area making sure the white she-wolf was alone; Diosa hardly had any business trying to meet new wolves with as young as she was, but she didn’t want to be cramped in the den any longer. Excuse me miss, mind if I ask what you are doing at the borders of Caidir Olc? My name is Diosa, you are? The young lass padded out from the undergrowth before addressing the white she-wolf. Her eyes glowed vibrantly as she stared intently at her companion, seeing her as clear as day. A small smile revealed her glittering canines, but her fangs remained retracted.

a bittersweet abyss

||Diosa||Lucaya’s Blood||Caidir Olc||Pup||Vampiric Princess||Alesana||

METALHEAD Productions


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