The Lost Islands

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hello, my old heart.

no one told me life was cruel
In her dreams, Freya is standing in the middle of the Inlet's largest clearing. It is spring, and there are birds singing around them and the sun beats down, warm on her back. Flowers bloom all over, carpeting the land with bursts of color. For a moment, it seems she is alone - but a look to her left confirms she is not. Dogun is there, smiling at her, and next to him stands a foal, all fuzzy and lanky like all foals are. There is a feeling of happiness radiating from them. Freya smiles back at them both, but her eyes remain on the child next to Dogun. No matter how hard she looks, she can't make out what color he (or she) is, like there is a blank piece there that her mind just isn't filling in. Her smile turns to a frown, and she makes to take a step towards them, but suddenly she is being sucked up and her vision is fading. She can feel herself slipping into consciousness, and part of her screams for the dream not to end. But alas, it does, and before she knows it, she is awake. And like her dream, she is not alone.

When she opens her eyes, Dogun is there, smiling down at her, the same smile she had seen in her dream. She smiles back, blinking back the sleep that lingers in her eyes. "Hello, my love." she murmurs, propping herself up onto her side. She reaches out and affectionately lips at his cheek and mane, giving a soft, playful tug. "I'm glad you're here. I've missed you. It feels like it's been ages since I last was able to spend time with you, alone." She pulls away, blue eyes gazing into his ochre ones. "How have you been? I hope you haven't been pushing yourself too hard. It'd be a shame for you to wear yourself down." She smiles at him. "We need you, you know. Who else could protect us from those big bad wolves?" she giggles, reaching over again to nibble on his forelock. Of course K1A1 was always around to protect the herd... but, come to think of it, the bay dun mare hadn't seen the draft mare for a few days now. Concern washed over her, momentarily, but she quickly pushed it away - she wanted to enjoy her time with Dogun and not have it clouded by negative emotions.

"I had a wonderful dream," she says, and thinks back onto it - it is starting to slip away, so she rushes to tell him. "It was spring, and I was standing in the Inlet, and you and our child were with me. We didn't speak, but I could tell we were all very happy." Her lips twitch slightly, first into a smile, then into a concerned frown. She allows several moments to pass before she speaks again, this time her tone is filled with obvious concern and worry. "What will we do if I do not have a child come spring? We would have to wait a whole year to try again, but a year is a long time. So much could happen." she sighs, shaking her head and shifting slightly more towards her lover. Her voice lowers as she speak, as if she is confessing to him a great secret that no one else can know; in a way, she is. "Sometimes, I feel that if I do not bear children, I will fail in my duty as queen to give you an heir." Although she had never been part of a traditional herd, she knew how they functioned, and she knew that lead mares were meant to provide sons for their kings, sons who would one day take over when their father died. What if she could not do that? She would be a failure and a disappointment.

Sighing heavily, the sabino mare rests her head next to Dogun, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry if my worries burden you. I just want you to be proud of me, to value me." Perhaps more than the average herd mare, although Freya would never say that out loud. She knew the other mares deserved his time and attention - possibly even his affection - just as much as she did. It would be selfish of her to demand it all for herself, so she keeps quiet. Although part of her worries, a smaller part of her isn't insecure - she knows that, at the end of the day, it is her he is really coming to, over all the others. But what if she began to doubt that, too? What then? There would be no telling.

mutt. seven. liver chestnut roan appaloosa. homeless.
html by pippa; photo by jdiegoph@unsplash

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