Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board.
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MPFN October Meeting Posted on October 12, 2017 at 10:58:53 PM by Ken MacDonald
David Hawke by Ken MacDonald, on Flickr
We're just 1 week away from the October Meeting of the
Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists
Thurs. Oct. 19, 2017 7:30 PM Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
MPFN Members FREE; Non-members and guests are asked to consider making a $5 donation
Our Guest Speaker
Stewardship Program Manager at Couchiching Conservancy
David is well known to our group. Last year his presentation on the history of fences was a big hit. His presentation "Fabulous Fungi" will peek into the intriguing world of these unique and oft misunderstood "plants". David will introduce us to the many groups of locally found fungi, their identifying characteristics, as well as a few of the legends that go hand-in-hand with mushrooms and toadstools. He will be including a few examples of slime molds, as he feels that these species are "way cooler" than your everyday mushroom."
N.B. David is once again being a hero for us by stepping into the breach when our previously scheduled speaker(s) was forced to cancel. Unfortunately Hillary Hatzipetrakos of Fungi Unveiled who had originally planned to present to us is having unexpected surgery next week. We wish Hillary a speedy recovery. We look forward to having Hillary and Drew present to us when she is feeling better.
With David being a man of such extensive varied knowledge, we were able to keep the topic the same and simply switch the speaker.
Unfortunately the outing that was planned with Fungi Unveiled on Sat. Oct. 21st will have to be cancelled for the time being. We'll let you know if anything else develops.
As usual we will be fundraising by selling our 50/50 tickets and our MPFN Magic Bean Soup.
Lots of you renewed at last month's meeting but we're still waiting for a few of you. All memberships come due in September every year. Same great price as last year.
MPFN Memberships are Family $45, Single $25, Under 30 FREE
Please invite your friends and neighbours to try out the MPFN. Nature needs Naturalists.
Once again we will be running our GREAT NATURE BOOK SALE. You can bring along any used nature books you'd like to donate. Books donated will be resold for what the buyer thinks they're worth with all proceeds going to club operations.
Don't forget to Lug-A-Mug for refreshments after the meeting.
Thanks to Ellen Dennig for providing name tags for all members. Don't forget to pick yours up on the way into the meeting and then leave it in the box on your way out.
See You Thursday Night
Ken MacDonald, Program Director/MPFN
Slime Mold 1 by Ken MacDonald, on Flickr Replies: There have been no replies.
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Contact Bob Bowles if you have questions about the Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board