The Lost Islands

somebody shine a light [Bjorn]

Rowena has become Macabre's shadow, trailing her everywhere, clinging to the last floating piece of familiarity in the troubled sea that is her life. She tells herself it's because she wants to protect Macabre, that Macabre is vulnerable with a new foal at her side, but deep down Rowena knows it isn't Macabre who needs protecting.

The black mare fights the urge to follow Macabre to the Bay. This is a personal mission that Macabre has undertaken and Rowena needs to give her friend some space. Macabre will be fine, but Rowena's not so sure about herself. There's an aching loneliness inside her. Everyone she's ever loved or leaned on is gone, except Macabre and Macabre is understandably preoccupied with being a new mom.

It physically hurts her to let her friend go, but she has to, and Rowena's time is better spent here. Their mission is also to forge relations with other island leadership and seek out potential alliances for the Peak. With the Inlet changing hands, it's a good time to fill her duty for the Peak.

Rowena still isn't sure where she stands among the Amazons. She is only one of them because Macabre is one of them. She doesn't feel any loyalty to them, only to Macabre. She doesn't feel she has the authority to form official alliances in the name of the Peak, but she can be a probe. She'll feel out the new leadership here and report back to Macabre.

Though this is just another lie she tells herself. This isn't about the peak at all. Her own lonely heart is looking for new friends. Wadering in circles, Rowena finds no one. She stops, giving up the search. Instead of a decisive call, all that comes out is a frustrated sigh. Her shoulders visibly sag. Her head falls, and a thick mane veils the sadness in her eyes.
pirouette in the dark
I see the stars through a mirror


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