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Dyersville Results

Two great days of pulling. Seven states represented, that was awesome!
Saturday Results:
3# Pro-Stock
1. Eric Rasmussen
2. Rob Heinrich
3&4 Jim Adams
5. Duane Newman

5# Pro-Stock
1. Jim Adams
2. Ed Connell
3. Jay Lerbs
4. Bill Vote
5. Jim Adams

1. Todd Coulter
2. Jim Adams
3. Warren McCann
4. Todd Coulter
5. Bill Vote

5# Super Stock
1. Eric Rasmussen
2. Ed Connell
3. Warren McCann
4. Todd Coulter
5. Jim Adams

1. Warren McCann
2. Zach Rasmussen
3. Matt Clark
4. Ed Connell
5. Matt Clark

1. Jim Adams
2. Zach Rasmussen
3. Tyler Connell
4. Bill Vote
5. Zach Rasmussen

1. Warren McCann
2. Jim Adams
3. Ed Connell
4. Duane Newman
5. Alan Reed

Sunday's Results:
3# Pro-Stock
1. Jay Lerbs
2. Hayden Davis
3. Duane Newman
4. Jay Lerbs
5. Jim Adams

5# Pro-Stock
1. Tyler Connell
2. Bill Vote
3. Duane Newman
4. Ed Connell
5. Jay Lerbs

1. Todd Coulter
2. Bill Vote
3. Warren McCann
4. Butch Watson
5. Warren McCann

5# Super Stock
1. Warren McCaan
2. Todd Coulter
3. Bill Vote
4. Tyler Connell
5. Eric Rasmussen

1. Warren McCann
2. Zach Rasmussen
3. Matt Clark
4. Warren McCaan
5. Eric Rasmussen

1. Jim Adams
2. Tyler Connell
3. Duane Newman
4. Bill Vote
5. Zach Rasmussen

1. Jim Adams
2. Warren McCann
3. Eric Rasmussen
4. Ed Connell
5. Duane Newman

Pulling in Dyersville is always so much fun! Thanks Jim for getting it all lined up. Thanks Jay for the Beef sandwiches and Carol for the delicious cookies!! Had a great time!


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