Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board.
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BFNC Talk Posted on November 11, 2017 at 07:47:31 PM by PAUL.FORDE
The Brererton Field Naturalists' Club of Barrie is hosting a talk at its Friday meeting.
Fat is Good ..for Polar Bears and Researchers.
Friday 17 November - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Some people run from fat, but Katie Florko pursues it! Katie is a graduate student at York University and she studies Polar Bears. Why chase Polar Bears for their fat? Using it, Katie analyzes body condition and diet, allowing her to draw conclusions about critical habitats, natural history, and the conservation of the world’s largest land carnivore. She is also able to link her work with that of other Polar Bear researchers. The dataset she relies on is broad, as the samples come from across the western Canadian Arctic. Katie has travelled to the southern-most Polar Bear subpopulation in the world at James Bay to assist in mark-recapture projects and gather samples. She has been further north too – to the coast of the Beaufort Sea in NWT to meet with traditional subsistence hunters who provide her with samples. Come out to find out the latest about this charismatic predator.
Location Northwest Barrie United Church 464 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie
Bring a mug and enjoy some good company! : ) Families most welcome. Students interested in a future career in nature very are encouraged to attend. Replies: There have been no replies.
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Contact Bob Bowles if you have questions about the Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board