During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


Our Pain Becomes Their Power

Fear Makes People Do Terrible Things


The male was surprised that he was having such an easy time talking with the female. Even though they had only really met today, it felt like he had a real connection with her. He had never really clicked with someone like this before, and he wanted to keep whatever it was that they had going. Was this just an easy friendship? Or was this true feelings? Lupin had appreciated others that were attractive, but he never had a real crush before. Not like this. He was definitely attracted to her, but it was more from talking to her than just her looks. Anastasia was a beautiful femme, but the connection they had was what really made him attracted to her. And the natural feeling when the pair embraced after sharing stories of their troublesome past, he knew that they had a real connection. Halina was the only other being that knew anything about his past, even if she didn’t know all the details. But he had never had such an easy time sharing and talking with another. When Anastasia pulled away from him, he wished that she had stayed against him longer. But they had only just met and he didn’t want to cross any lines and he would always respect her boundaries.

The scarred male then headed towards the trees, green orbs looking hopeful as he asked her to join him. Maybe they could explore the new lands together, find the packs new secrets and territories. A shy smile appeared on his scarred muzzle when she agreed to come along, glad that there time together was not about to end. Lanky legs carried the brown brute through the trees, their pace easy and slow, letting them explore the newer lands while still have a conversation. Their talk turned to the changes of the lands, wondering what could have done it. He was afraid that Anastasia would think that he was crazy if he mentioned the word magic, but there was no other way to explain it. There was no natural thing in this world that could have caused the lands to change the way that they had. The rumors and whispers of magic and magical beings must be true. What other explanation could there be? The brute turned and stopped his stride when he saw the femme stop walking. Had he scared her off? Did she think he was insane now? A nervous frown crossed his features as she spoke, hoping that she was not about to regret agreeing to walk with him. Her gaze met his own as she spoke up, “Magic…? Do you really think so?”

Lupin watched her cautiously, she didn’t seem to want to leave, and then she began to walk again, and his plume waved softly behind him for a moment as they continued walking through the trees, his pace matching her own. “I guess… it could be, maybe. Does make sense, considering everything’s that happened. And, at least it’s not too bad… I don't think. I’ve only had the chance to see a few places, but it seems that Wudubearo took the change fairly well. I haven't seen Milo lately, but maybe, she has some answers... Someone must know what's going on." When the femme smiled, Lupin’s own muzzle lit up into a smile of his own, glad that she didn’t think that he was insane. ”Yah, I don’t know what else could explain it, even though it seems crazy sometimes. But there’s not…natural explanation that I could come up with. But maybe Milo does know more. I haven’t seen her since the pack meeting a while back.” His gaze turned away for a moment, taking in the path that they were on, realizing he had not been in these areas much and that it was still pretty foreign to him. He did know with time though that it would become as familiar as the lands had been before. ”Have you done much exploring of any of the lands outside of the pack since things…changed?” His audettes perked in Anastasia’s direction, wondering if she had spoken to others outside the pack about what had happened, and if she had seen other areas change like the pack had.

Picture credit to the lovely LSVK/xathira!


**Lupin**Brute**Protégé of Halina**Loveless**No Heirs**Wudubearo**Young Adult**Violet

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