Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


Sheep in a Wolf’s Den

All around me are familiar faces...

...look right through me...

...look right through me....
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She was not a masochist. Anyone who thought that she had enjoyed the torture she had been forced to endure before was crazy, insane. She had no desire to undergo the unnatural agony that had overwhelmed her senses the last time that she had been bitten by Diosa. But she also did not want to that torture inflicted upon anyone else… And she did not want Diosa to feel guilty about her need to feed. And after all, the vampire was right - Briseis had survived it last time… It had not been pleasant, but she had survived. Who is to say that another would? Did Brie want to put another at risk… Either of dying or becoming a vampire also? She certainly did not want any more vampires to exist… And she certainly did not want anyone to die. But the real reason she offered her own blood to Diosa was out of friendship… A weird twisted relationship. Diosa did not feed for the fun of it - she fed as rarely as she needed, and only then because she needed to survive. And this time? Diosa had fought against her instincts and had not just attacked someone… No… She had asked for permission. And somehow, Briseis knew that if she said no, Diosa would not feed off her anyway, not without her permission. It was that trust that led the salt and peppered femme to this moment, her body tense, her lids shut tightly against the world, her jaws clenched together in preparation for the agony again. And there was the bite… She could feel fangs pierce her skin and dig deep into her jugular. She could feel Diosa drinking her blood…

But the pain never came.

Not even when Diosa retreated, her fangs eerily sliding out of Brie‘s flesh, never was the pain anything compared to last time. In fact, the only discomfort that Briseis felt was Diosa’s piercing of her skin. And… that was it. There was no agony, no excruciating pain, no frothing from her mouth, no convulsions. Slowly, she opened one lid and then the other, and looked around anxiously. Finally… Her gaze laid upon Diosa, and this time, it was Diosa‘s body that was on the ground, huddled in the fetal position. Her paws were covering her pinnae, either in guilt or in fear. Briseis bit her lip and swiped at her neck, swiping off the few stray drops of blood, expecting the pain to start any moment. Only it didn’t. Cautiously, she took one step, and then another, until she finally reached Diosa. Her snout lowered and nudged against her.

Are you… Are you sure you are still a vampire? It didn’t hurt, not like last time. It was a little awkward, and uncomfortable… But…this is not supposed to happen, right? Am I… Do I become immune to it? Really Diosa, that wasn’t that bad. It was a little weird to hear you slurping down my blood… Other than that… It wasn’t horrible. Have you ever heard of this happening to another… Blood bag… Before? Or does this happen often? What does this mean…?

And then it struck her - she could be the solution to Diosa‘s problem. After all, Diosa hated to hurt others… And yet she needed to feed. But when she fed on Briseis, it did not hurt Brie. It was an ingenious thought… And yet she knew that if Draven ever found out about it, he would exploit her, or feed from her all too often just because he could. But with her focus no longer upon her movement, she felt herself going off balance, and it was just in time that she spread her legs to a wide based stance. She still was weak, having been drained of a decent percentage of her blood… But she had recovered relatively quickly last time. The hardest thing she had had to get over was the damage wrecked on her nerves. Slowly, she nudged Diosa again. Though Draven had said that he was going to be gone for a few days… There was nothing ensuring that that was indeed but what happen.

You should still not be in here… We should go somewhere else. To talk.

Brie stumbled out of the cave and toward the boundary. The farther away from Draven‘s den the better… But she did not want to simply go into the mess that was Load Mor. No, for now it was all right to simply move to a shadowed area, hidden from the eyes and ears of the others. Brie moved slowly, not wanting to fall into the swamp like she had the last time that Diosa had fed on her. That time she had been lucky - it had been a shallow puddle. But she knew all too well that many of the pools here were deep, full of thick mud that would suck you under. That there were crocodiles waiting to eat you alive… And that certainly was not a future she was looking forward to. And so she took her time, even though she was filled to the brim with questions that needed answers, full of ideas. After all, if she was now immune to vampire poison, was there a way to break Draven’s hold on her? Finally, they reached the place that Briseis had been aiming for. It was the previous den of Motionless, and it now was silent, still, stagnant. But it would keep them hidden and covered from the eyes and ears of any that Briseis was worried about. She turned around and waited for Diosa to enter, and then she turned around and laid down, her body relieved to finally have some relief.

You cannot tell anyone about this - no one may know, no one can know. I do not mind you feeding on me, especially now. But you were different from the rest. You are good, kind, and have a decent heart. But can you imagine? If Draven knew, he would finally feed on me, only he would never stop. And if your siblings knew? They too would abuse me, and take advantage of this trait. Do you understand Diosa? You can tell no one, ever. And… Do you think you could help me find a way to escape Draven?

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Ω Briseis Ω Chained to Draven Ω Slave of Caidir Olc Ω Azura Ω


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