Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board.
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Re(3): There are very few birds around my feeders except the usual suspects. Posted on December 6, 2017 at 03:01:56 AM by Don Scanlan
An unusual suspect,a Red-Tailed Hawk yesterday in my neighbourhood. It was being mobbed by Jays, Crows, Nuthatch, Chickadees and oddly enough a Gull. Despite this I couldn't see it, until 1/2 hour later when it swept low over my yard.
A mature bird,it may have been hunting my feeders. I had a mature Red-Tail take a Mourning Dove in my yard a number of years ago. I arrived in my backyard to see it fly off at head height with an upside down Dove in it's talons. One of the Doves wings was free and it was flapping that wing. It had no doubt taken it on the ground, at the place where I put out White Millet.
From Downtown Barrie 1/2 block north of the Library. Replies: