The Lost Islands

castillon lir
jasper, micah, thames, lohan
hirka, eira, aura
eirena, frond, aurelie, luna
mage, daire, vervain, claret
lior, hael, atropa belladonna
name, name, name
eriana, name, name
*odette, eudora, *dolores
name, name, name
rafe (badlands)
evrain (hills)
sephiroth (thicket)
bacardi (forest)
mariael (arch)
tyr & oswin (ridge)


- the Prairie stands as a symbol of peace and prosperity among the islands
- anyone is welcome to live here so long as they do not bring harm to the Prairie or any of it's residents
- adventure and exploration is not only allowed, but encouraged! residents are asked to use their better judgement and not travel to places that could bring them harm
- the head of the prairie has final say in all prairie matters. the secondary and third positions are not able to be challenged for and are selected by the head
- the guardians take on a more active role in the prairie; they must protect the inhabitants of the prairie and go on patrols of the prairie borderlines and shore. they can welcome strangers to the prairie and invite anyone to live here, though they must inform one of the leaders of any newcomers or visitors
Live through this lie [Jaci]

Was I left behind?
Tell me, tell me I survived.

I battled against the waves, taking long, repeating strides through the currents as I lead the way for the delightful, pretty Jaci with my eyes sent firmly on Luthien. It was a trek I knew well, after years of moving back and forth from the Crossing Isle and my home. But every time I returned to the Prairie's rolling, golden hills with a newcomer at my side, it felt fresh and new all over again. It was thrilling, at least to me, to watch someone else experience the vastness of our terrain for the first time. My heart always beat quickly in my chest with anticipation, hoping, silently, that they are as pleased with what they see as I am.

The swim was long, and I tried to keep the conversation light and fun as we went. I didn't belabor the point about Orkaan for any longer than Jaci wanted to talk about it. And thankfully, she never seemed to question any connection I may have had with him. As such, I chose not to mention Vita Nova to her just yet. "So what is your home like? I imagine you weren't born here are on the Islands." I ask, with my snout pointed toward the sky and away from the unpredictable waves.

Our conversation veered toward the Prairie, and I quickly explained to her who she'd expect to see when we washed up on the shore. There was Bri of course, the mother of our two children, who was mute so could not talk, but could hear and communicate fine in other ways. Our foals, Jabari, the growing yearling and his blind sister, Everglow. And there was Caesisus, a delicate and somewhat aloof new friend, whom I was thrilled to have her among our keep.

Finally, the hazy mass of Luthien came into view and shortly after I was climbing the wet sand out of the surf. I shake the seawater from my pelt and move across the lose sand away from the shoreline. There I pause and wait for Jaci, my heart leaping into my throat, as I wait to gauge her reaction.

Shamwari | Fresian Mutt | Evaline x Rook | Stallion | Chestnut | 15.3 h |
Half-brother to Kasabian, Vita Nova, Paradiso | Photo © Carina Mailwald | © Vinyl

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