Lullaby of the Crucified - " />

Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


Lullaby of the Crucified

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a vexatious kiss

There seemed to limit as to the amazement that exuded from this mortal lad. There were floods of emotions from him, but it all seemed to be layered in a sort of amazement at their existence. Lucyne and Diosa herself that is. And sure at first it had been incredible to see in the dark, have the inherent ability to be undetectable, and have fangs capable of bringing an enemy to their knees, but it had severe draw backs. At least to Diosa, that is. For all the pretenses of this sickeningly twisted capacity she had, it could not change the inherently peaceful and innocent heart that beat within her breast. Diosa in a silent desperate attempt wanted to be nothing like her mother or Draven. She wanted to be the exception to the standard that had become the bane of her existence. She would not let the inherent evil trend of her species ruin what chance she had at being the best wolf she could be. Although she might never be normal, as Diosa had finally come to realize, she could make the best of her situation and position in Caidir Olc to try and change the perception of vampires. There weren’t all inherently evil. Even if nature dictated them as such, Diosa would fight it.

The heiress would fight her own nature.

Diosa reined in her thoughts and pulled her attention back to the gathering at paw, the lad was once more conversing with her mother. Impressed. And utterly excited at the proposition to become one of them, close to the Queen and her family. Diosa was not truly at odds with Lucyne’s methods for conversion, she did not force it upon them but she did not warn them of the consequences. What life lie in store for them should they choose to rise as one of the undead. Death was life’s final penalty to the living, but vampires were the exception, but all things in nature had to be balanced. So, in trade, all of their species were forced to take the life of another into their fangs regardless of the effects. Deadly, neutral or life altering. Diosa was letting herself slip into the persona of her darker persona. She had to in order to survive this hellish paradise she called home. And in order to survive herself.

Diosa was due to feed any day now, she could feel those throbbing pangs of hunger again. This time though she did not want to go to Briseis. If she could help it, Diosa wanted dearly to let her friend remain unharmed by her fangs, regardless of the fact she seemed immune now to her bite. This mortal lad would not be, and she would once more be privy the potential agony that would rip through him. Flashes of Briseis’ figure writhing made Diosa shiver and the hairs along her spine rippled downwards as it moved through her spine. Poison…? Diosa looked to him and nodded silently, an eerie and subtle look of knowledge painting her crimson pools. He seemed to ponder this offer, thoughts unknown to Diosa and Lucyne flitting across his own orbs. I accept. Give me this poinson, and allow me to show you exactly what sort of soldier I am. Diosa raised a brow, and nodded her head. Her bodice lifted from the ground and she padded quietly over to him, winding carefully and carelessly around him. Her maw tipped up to his audette, It will be my pleasure, Rogan, she mused seductively.

Diosa trailed her nares down his nape, and found a fleshy spot near the point at which his neck connected into his shoulders. She licked at the area before she pierced into his flesh, no warning. The tangy, iron infused blood oozed into her mouth. She bite held until she felt herself full, and the necessity to feed was no more. She was quenched in thirst. Elongated fangs pulled out cleanly from the puncture wounds and she stepped back to see what would happen to this mortal lad. Would he become one of them or remain unchanged? Or would death claim him?

a bittersweet abyss

||Diosa||Lucaya’s Blood||Caidir Olc||Adolescent||Vampiric Princess||Alesana||

METALHEAD Productions

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